Monday, October 14, 2013

Politicians and abortion

To be pro-life is to recognize that abortion is the intentional slaughter of children. It is illogical for anyone who holds that view to then say, "Even if a politician approves of butchering children, as long as his position on taxes is right I could support him." The person who says such a thing about taxes--or any other issue--is either lying about being pro-life or doesn't have even a clue what being pro-life actually means. For someone who is truly pro-life, a politician's positions on other issues are irrelevant if he supports the legal killing of children. As for the claim that most elected offices have no impact on abortion, that too is irrelevant. If someone running for office were a member of the Ku Klux Klan, voters would not ignore that fact just because the office he was seeking had no impact on the issue of race. That same dynamic applies to abortion. A person who supports the slaughter of the unborn is not morally qualified to serve in any public office.

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